LIVING LIFE:Gut Instincts

It’s difficult to imagine that sometimes for all the education the schools stuff or want to stuff into our heads; it is all sometimes just good for nothing, because of an illogical inexplicable innate human sense called “the guts.”

Saturday, August 01, 2009

It’s difficult to imagine that sometimes for all the education the schools stuff or want to stuff into our heads; it is all sometimes just good for nothing, because of an illogical inexplicable innate human sense called "the guts.”

Time and again we hear that whenever one is between a rock and a hard place, whenever reason cannot clearly distinguish between the right and wrong choices, they tell us to "listen to your guts.”

Our guts perhaps are the core of that special thing that God added to us in order to differentiate us from other species. That special intelligence that makes us aware of what is right and wrong.

For all our academic intelligentsia, our pursuit of absolute knowledge, our height of paganism, as we eschew the "shallow” logic of belief in a higher being called God who makes and takes away, in favour of science, of exploration of outer space, of disputing the biblical explanations of heavens and earth, of humans and angels, it is pitiable that when our super brains cannot help us make a decision, we resort to "our guts.”

Scientists prefer to call such a difficult name as intuition, which in simple words is the ability to sense or know something without any reasoning. It happens every day. Women for one, have a very powerful sense of intuition.

They can tell when something is wrong with their child or someone else close without any particular reason and it turns out to be true. Identical twins also have that ingenious ability to coordinate their thoughts and actions by transferring information from one person to the other through a queer form called telepathy.

Top business gurus will tell you that sometimes a good deal may give you no good reason that it is good except that ‘hunch’ or gut feeling that this is going to turn out well.

Men, because of our natural dispensation to try to link the cause and effect, to attempt to put logic into every circumstance may miss out on the most important messages that our gut instincts pass into our being.

How about when you really want to call someone and just as you are about to the phone rings and their name lights up on your screen? So how can we tap this interesting potential for us to make decisions? Scientists say that whenever we are stuck in a rut about a major decision, we should learn to step back, keep silent and try to discern the different messages that we are receiving in our minds.

Perhaps it is why when we are faced with a major decision, we are often advised to try to think quietly away from the panic and swirling emotions that usually accompany such tense moments.

And sometimes when something just does not feel right, we should learn to try to listen to ourselves and push logic out of it all. Hopefully we can gain massively from nature’s own blueprint for making decisions.

Have an intuitive Sunday.