RDF hand over houses to needy

MUHANGA — The Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) on Thursday handed over 32 houses to residents of Nyarusange and Rugendabari sectors in Muhanga District.

Saturday, August 01, 2009
411 Brigade soliders, Police and residents carrying out the army outreach activities in Muhanga District. (Photo / D. Sabiiti)

MUHANGA — The Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) on Thursday handed over 32 houses to residents of Nyarusange and Rugendabari sectors in Muhanga District.

The houses were constructed by soldiers of the 411 Brigade, which operates in Kamonyi and Muhanga districts.
The shelter is part of the Vision Umurenge Programme- in which residents are encouraged to settle in village settlements.

Jean Marie Nzimurinda, one of the beneficiaries commended the uniformed personnel for the humanitarian assistance, saying it strengthens cooperation with civilians which was none existent in the past.

"This is the biggest contribution and we will never let down the government and armed forces in continued contribution to development,” Nzimurinda said.

Residents and soldiers observed that the humanitarian outreach programme has significantly contributed to the community development efforts in different ways.

411 Brigade’s  Captain Callixte Kayiranga, remarked that the soldiers worked closely with residents in accomplishing this project.

He appealed to residents for continued collaboration and contribution towards growth and security by eliminating poverty.

District Mayor, Yvonee Mutakwasuku equally thanked the soldiers for their contribution to local development. "This is an example to others and let us use it to help each other and see to it that everyone lives happily under secure shelter,” she said.

She encouraged the residents to speed up the process of shifting to the new settlement.

The district on its part made commitments to subsidize the costs of electricity and  water. It also indicated its willingness to help those residents settling in new settlements to get part time jobs, Mutakwasuku disclosed.

Rugendabari residents have recently acquired water and electricity  and also been beneficiaries of a new health centre. During the hand over RDF promised to assist the residents in clearing ground for the construction of a local market in Nyundo village Nsanga cell in Rugendabari Sector.

In a related development, 411 Brigade soldiers and residents, on July 30 started the construction of feeder roads in the proposed Caisse Sociale du Rwanda (CSR) settlement in Munyinya cell, Nyamabuye sector.
At least 200 houses will be constructed at the site soon.
