Former vice mayor arrested

GATSIBO- Police have arrested Yvette Dusenge, the former Gatsibo District vice Mayor in charge of Social Affairs, for allegedly receiving double salary during her tenure.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

GATSIBO- Police have arrested Yvette Dusenge, the former Gatsibo District vice Mayor in charge of Social Affairs, for allegedly receiving double salary during her tenure.

A source from the district who spoke on condition of anonymity said that Dusenge, who stepped down recently, was arrested after police was alerted that she continued drawing salary of a teacher even after she had left the teaching job.

"Before becoming vice mayor she was a teacher but kept on forging papers to earn from her previous job,” the source said.
Dusenge had earlier on resigned together with the district’s Mayor, Jean Marie Murego. At that time another senior local official who tendered his resignation was vice Mayor, Bossa Rwemalika, who were also arrested for alleged mismanagement of public funds.

Augustin Nkusi, spokesperson in the office of Prosecutor General, confirmed Dusenge’s arrest in a text message to The New Times, Friday without divulging more details.  "Yes she was arrested and investigations into her case are still going on,” Nkusi said.

Meanwhile, Nkusi said in a separate interview that Bossa Rwemalika was released on bail on Thursday, as investigations into his case proceed.

"Yes he was released on Thursday but his accomplice is still detained,” he said.

The Nyagatare Court of Higher Instance president, Freddy Nkubito told this reporter that Rwemalika was granted bail because prosecution was still gathering evidence.

"He was released on bail and he will be appearing before court whenever he is called. His case had incomplete evidence and he was ordered to report whenever he is called,” Nkubito said in a telephone interview yesterday.

He added that Rwemalika’s case was not similar to that of the former mayor which is why he is still detained.

"Their cases were not really familiar and Murego (the former mayor) is still under arrest  at Nsinda prison,” he said. 
Early last month, Peter Twahirwa, Gatsibo District Advisory Council president said that both Murego and Bossa were arrested in connection with the recent Auditor General and Ombudsman’s reports which adversely mentioned them for fraudulent practices.

Both reports indicated that there was a colossal amount of money that was unaccounted for in the district coffers. The report also mentioned  a tender scam that involved supply of exotic cows worth Rwf 60 million.
