Former sex workers get equipment for business

RUSIZI - Family Health International (FHI), a US based organisation on Tuesday donated an assortment of materials to 69 former commercial sex workers in Rusizi District who are grouped under Jyaheza Cooperative.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

RUSIZI - Family Health International (FHI), a US based organisation on Tuesday donated an assortment of materials to 69 former commercial sex workers in Rusizi District who are grouped under Jyaheza Cooperative.

The items which include 50 wheel barrows, 40 trash bins, insecticides, slashes, gloves and brooms will facilitate their business of garbage collection in homes around the district.
Peter Ndamage, an official of FHI said that the donation was part of their large campaign to fight HIV/Aids among former sex workers.

"I encourage every body here in your cooperative to properly utilise these new cleaning materials FHI has donated to you today.” Ndamage said. "I also appeal to others who are still dealing in that dirty job to abandon it and undertake other developmental activities in the area.” 

Thacienne Vumuriya, the president of Jyaheza Cooperative, who spoke on behalf of her colleagues said, "We are today very happy to receive such useful cleaning items… we are all sure that this will enable us improve our lives economically and socially.”

She said the members are committed to work closely with FHI and the government in the fight against the spread of HIV/Aids in Rusizi district.
