HIV activists asked to harmonise activities

EASTERN PROVINCE RWAMAGANA—The Eastern Province and officials of the national HIV/AIDS Commission (CNLS) have requested the HIV/AIDS partners to streamline way forward let come the year 2008.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


RWAMAGANA—The Eastern Province and officials of the national HIV/AIDS Commission (CNLS) have requested the HIV/AIDS partners to streamline way forward let come the year 2008.

The call was made on October 30 in a meeting that brought together representatives from both local and international HIV/AIDS organizations operating in the Eastern province to chart a way forward for next year.

The Governor of the Eastern Province, Theoneste Mutsindashyaka said that it is useless to talk about economic revolution when the status of beneficiaries is unknown.

"By next year all residents in the province should have tested for HIV/AIDS, let all residents know their status,” Mutsindashyaka said and requested all stakeholders to make this a reality.

He gave an example of a friend who tested positive in 1982 but who is still alive and strong today.

Following presentations of what has been achieved during the previous years; Mutsindashyaka said there should be no repetition of mistakes during the coming year.

He sited lack of proper action plans, unclear budgets and lack of coordination as some of the mistakes recorded in the past years. The governor also warned organizations which impose programes on people to stop the habit.

"Organizations should always present their Action Plans and budgets to concerned district officials for thorough analysis and for re-orientation purposes,” he said.

He reminded district Mayors that they were elected by the people and have due powers to nullify the operations of any organization which doesn’t bring forward what it is required of.

Dr. Agnes Binagwaho, the Executive Secretary of the CNLS requested partners to have proper communication with the central level, saying that in doing so, their plans can be integrated in the development plan of the country.

"If you assist children to attend school, if you give treatment to people, it has to be in the indicators of the district,” she noted.

She called on partners to streamline the communication channel to assure that every thing that is done is in accordance with the district needs at district level and to the national strategies and policies at central level.

In a general interview with Binagwaho, she expressed happiness to the decentralization of services saying a lot has been achieved in the fight against HVI/AIDS in the country and praised the partners who have done their best in this regard.
