Kacyiru needs a modern market

Let Kigali City Council (KCC) build a modern market in Kacyiru as well.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Let Kigali City Council (KCC) build a modern market in Kacyiru as well.

The existing market is decades old and so dilapidated and disorganised for an area that accommodates perhaps the biggest number of people from different social classes.

Everyday, I see lots of people, particularly over the weekend, driving, riding bicycles or motorbikes to Kimironko to do their shopping there.

This justifies the need to develop the market into a modern and wider one. Besides, if it is developed, a larger amount of revenue will be collected from it.

Modern markets have been built in places like Kimironko, Nyabugogo, Nyakabanda, Nyamirambo, Gatsata and the like. Why not Kacyiru?

I commend KCC for the ongoing work to improve the market. The faster the market is improved, the better it will be for residents to access commodities. 

If Kacyiru market is transformed into a modern market, the number of people shopping from other markets will certainly save the transport costs to other markets and the area will rapidly develop. 
