NUR students donate to Genocide orphans

SOUTHERN province HUYE – Students associations at the National University of Rwanda (NUR) over the weekend donated cash and other scholastic items to Genocide orphans  living in Tumba Sector.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

SOUTHERN province

HUYE – Students associations at the National University of Rwanda (NUR) over the weekend donated cash and other scholastic items to Genocide orphans  living in Tumba Sector.

The associations; the Anglican Students Association, students drawn  from Ngoma district and the NUR Manchester United fans club donated scholastic items and cash amounting to Rwf100,000.

Receiving the donation, the president of Humura Association, Assoumpta Umugwaneza, said the items formed part of  a good gesture that comforts the beneficiaries.

"We are always grateful to receive visitors, visits like these restore our hope for the future and we get the feeling that the community is behind us,” she said.

Jean Mary Vianey Kabandana, one of the orphans said such a good gesture by NUR students was worth emulating.

"We hope to carry forward the same sprit of helping others when we become  dependants no more in the future, we have learnt a big lesson from these university students,” he said.

Humura Association comprises of 94 orphans living on their own. Feeding and housing are their main challenges.

The National University of Rwanda’s administration has been supportive of the association. It grants five scholarships every year to Humura Genocide orphans who fail to obtain the government sponsorship cut off points.
