Kalisa Mupende to appear in court

NYARUGENGE – Kalisa Mupende, a former employee of the President’s office and two of his colleagues will appear in court on August 12 for a first hearing of charges labelled against them.The accused have initially appeared in court for pre-trail hearings in which they were seeking for bail that was later denied.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

NYARUGENGE – Kalisa Mupende, a former employee of the President’s office and two of his colleagues will appear in court on August 12 for a first hearing of charges labelled against them.

The accused have initially appeared in court for pre-trail hearings in which they were seeking for bail that was later denied.

They will be charged with embezzlement, abuse of procurement procedures and complicity in the crimes.

Speaking to The New Times yesterday at his Kigali office, Capt. Ngabo Kayijuka the Military Prosecutor said that the prosecution is ready to begin the trial with all necessary evidence.

"We have fixed the date for them, they will all be tried in the military court including the civilian because of the complicity in the crime,” Capt. Kayijuka said.

The two others include Janvier Murenzi, a former Director of Administration and Finance and Capt. Hussein Musekera a logistics officer.

Kalisa Mupende was the former Director General in the Office of the President.
