BP launches new savings product

SOUTHERN PROVINCE NYANZA - Bank Populaire du Rwanda on Monday launched a new savings scheme called ‘Hirwa’ which is designed to enable every Rwandan save for a better future.The product  can accumulate 2% to 7% interest on savings annually . A client is obliged to have at least Rwf 20,000 in order to earn interest on accumulated savings.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
A Nyanza resident taking a closer look at a Hirwa brochure during its launch (Photo D.Sabiiti)


NYANZA - Bank Populaire du Rwanda on Monday launched a new savings scheme called ‘Hirwa’ which is designed to enable every Rwandan save for a better future.The product  can accumulate 2% to 7% interest on savings annually . A client is obliged to have at least Rwf 20,000 in order to earn interest on accumulated savings.

The launch was the first one carried out at national level. The event took place at Nyanza stadium.

Bank Populaire vice president Dieudonné Murekezi said; "The savings scheme is in line with the government initiative of enabling Rwandans to save as a way towards accelerating development and Hirwa, will enable all Rwandans to save for a better future and access loans easily.”

He stated that the account is meant for Rwandans of all walks of life and a massive sensitisation programme will be launched countrywide to create public awareness. 
Murekezi added that the outstanding sectors which will recruit savers in the product will be awarded.

Clients also wanted assurance about security of their funds, saying that micro finance institutions had misused their funds in the past.

In response, Murekezi said that after 34 years of operating in the banking sector, Bank Populaire would ensure full security of clients’ money and ease access to loans.
