MTN to launch 3G service

MTN Rwanda set to launch the 3rd Generation (3G) mobile technology. This was revealed by the company’s Senior Marketing Officer, Yvonne Manzi Makoro during an interview with The Business Times.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Yvonne Manzi Makoro (file photo).

MTN Rwanda set to launch the 3rd Generation (3G) mobile technology. This was revealed by the company’s Senior Marketing Officer, Yvonne Manzi Makoro during an interview with The Business Times.

According to Makoro, the company hasn’t commercially launched the services but the technology is up and running.   
"The service is available to all people who have the function on there phones and they can use it now,” She explained.

3G is a family of standards for wireless communications, wide-area wireless voice telephone, video calls, and wireless data, all in a mobile environment

The 3G, GSM technology allows subscribers utilise advantages that come with the usage of a SIM card like being able to conduct wireless video calls and access broadband Internet in a mobile environment.

MTN has been operating in Rwanda for over ten years but it hadn’t started using the technology that is utilized by over 82 percent users in the world.
