A-Link trains 18 in mobile phone architecture

A-Link Technologies, a Chinese firm has trained 18 students from Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) in mobile phone architecture.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A-Link Technologies, a Chinese firm has trained 18 students from Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) in mobile phone architecture.

Edward Yin, the President of the only regional telephone assembling plant said that the one month training was aimed at equipping student with technical skills.

"This is modern technology that can help them in their fields of play. They can also now compete on the labour market,” he explained.

The training that included trouble shooting, maintenance, assembling and charger assembling was offered free of charge by the Rwandan- phone assembling firm. Each trainee is awarded a certificate.

The concluded training brings the total number of trainees to 28. Ten students were trained last year after rolling out its operations with an investment of $0.5 million (Rwf283.7 million).

Mobile phone assembling was the first project but the China link Digital affiliate company is diversifying into TV, radio and laptop.
