Wishing the Mayor of Kigali a speedy recovery

Editor, I read your news item that the Mayor of Kigali, Dr. Aisa Kirabo Kakira, has been flown to India for treatment. My prayers and good wishes are for the speedy recovery of Dr.Aisa.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I read your news item that the Mayor of Kigali, Dr. Aisa Kirabo Kakira, has been flown to India for treatment. My prayers and good wishes are for the speedy recovery of Dr.Aisa.

It is a matter of great satisfaction to know that my country, India , is able to reach out to Rwandans for different medical conditions.

Being closely associated with medical tourism myself, I would be very happy to assist anyone from Rwanda who might need specific medical advice or treatment here in India.

Kind regards
Yours sincerely,

Clarence Fernandes
