• Kiyovu has the most wireless internet in Kigali.• The Reticulated Pythons are the world's longest snake and also the longest reptile.• Porcupines float on water.

Monday, July 27, 2009

• Kiyovu has the most wireless internet in Kigali.
• The Reticulated Pythons are the world's longest snake and also the longest reptile.
• Porcupines float on water.

• Frogs eat their skin after they shed it.
• Rwanda’s’ king MUSINGA, was the tallest of all kings.
• A hedgehog's heart beats 300 times a minute on average.

• Babies are born far sighted - their eyes start to focus properly between 3 to 6 months of age.
• Men have more blood in their circulatory system than women and more red blood cells.

• Honey does not spoil. A honey bee could visit around 2000 flowers in a day, fly around 25 kilometers per hour! That’s not all. It would take about 2 million flowers for these little creatures to visit to make just half a kilogram of honey! Not only that, just one single honey bee colony can produce between 30 to 40 kilograms of honey in a year.

• The right lung takes in more air than the left.
• Some species of Bamboo can grow at the rate of 1 meter in 24 hours.

• At the ocean's deepest point, due to immense pressure, an iron ball would take more than an hour to sink to the ocean floor.
• Rwanda’s Agaseke generates more income than all markets in Kigali.
