RPPA launches 3 year strategic plan

The Rwanda Public Procurement Authority (RPPA) on Friday launched a three year strategic plan that is expected to check on weaknesses in awarding of public tenders.

Monday, July 27, 2009
MOVING FORWARD: Finance Minster James Musoni

The Rwanda Public Procurement Authority (RPPA) on Friday launched a three year strategic plan that is expected to check on weaknesses in awarding of public tenders.

Within the new plan, the number of days taken between opening bids and awarding tenders is expected to reduce from an average of 21 to 14.

Finance Minster James Musoni described the 25-page strategic plan as a step forward which will lead to transparency and good governance.

"Let me hope that the structure you have laid will guide you to solving problems that have been facing RPPA,” Musoni said

The tendering procedures in both central and local government levels have raised many questions in the past with persistent reports that tendering process is always marred with corruption and lack of transparency.

Last year, RPPA awarded 400 tenders worth Rwf200 billion.
