New church complex to cost $66 million

Evangelical Restoration church has announced the construction of a state-of-the-art, USD 66 million facility that will host the church’s world wide headquarters.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Evangelical Restoration church has announced the construction of a state-of-the-art, USD 66 million facility that will host the church’s world wide headquarters.

The complex dubbed ‘Kigali Prayer Mountain’ will rest on an already acquired 11 hectare piece of land in Gasabo district

The multi million dollar facility is designed to hold a multipurpose hall with a capacity of 5000, a temple with a capacity of 20,000, sports park, kids park, hospital and a prayer gardens.

Pastor Joshua Masasu of the restoration church revealed that the plans to construct a larger temple for the church were aimed at providing Rwandans with more prayer opportunity which they are currently seeking.

"We have Rwandans who go to Uganda for prayers, we felt the challenge to create the prayer mountain and have people come into Rwanda instead,” Masasu said.

Design works on the restoration village are already complete. The design concept will see to it that construction is complete in four phases, expected to be complete by 2015.

"The first phase is to construct the multipurpose hall by June next year, we already have $1 million to facilitate it, construction will start as soon as we have the all the necessary documentation, planting of grass and flowers for the garden is already underway,” Masasu said.

The second phase will include the construction of a sports park with a swimming pool, tennis courts and a football field. This will be coupled with construction of a kid’s park and a school.

According to Masasu the third phase will include the construction of the 20,000 sitter temple. Phase four will consist of the construction of a guest house and a shopping centre that will have canteens and shops for crafts and music.

The construction is expected to be footed through local and international contributions and revenues from income generating activities that the church will set up next year.

Masasu noted that the move was in accordance with government requirements for higher standard in churches and all religious organisations.

"Our government is challenging the people and the church to strive for higher standards in everything hence, we support this move and hence the desire to upgrade the church into a better exquisite temple,”

Evangelical Restoration church has expanded in Burundi, DRC, USA, South Africa and Uganda.
