Justice donates to orphanage

The staff of the ministry of Justice on Saturday donated Rwf 2 million to Urumuri orphanage home in Matyazo cell, Ngoma sector Huye district in the Southern Province. Speaking during the function, Justice Minister Tharcisse Karugarama revealed that this was a follow up to the promise that the ministry staff had made to the orphans earlier on during the One Dollar Campaign. 

Monday, July 27, 2009
Justice Minister Tharcisse Karugarama

The staff of the ministry of Justice on Saturday donated Rwf 2 million to Urumuri orphanage home in Matyazo cell, Ngoma sector Huye district in the Southern Province.

Speaking during the function, Justice Minister Tharcisse Karugarama revealed that this was a follow up to the promise that the ministry staff had made to the orphans earlier on during the One Dollar Campaign. 

"The Ministry staff felt concerned and thought of making a financial contribution to assist you and they have managed to raise Rwf 2 million,” Karugarama said.

The Minister appreciated and encouraged the children to stay focused in order to achieve their ambitions.

"Be creative and work together to over-come a challenging future as well as developing your country,” he said.
Urumuri orphanage caters for 54 children.
