Don’t throw stones if you live in a glass house

Editor, It always surprises me, as I am certain it does many East African, to read and hear a Rwandan casting critical judgment on other East Africans; no matter whether the criticisms is deserved.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


It always surprises me, as I am certain it does many East African, to read and hear a Rwandan casting critical judgment on other East Africans; no matter whether the criticisms is deserved.

It should be intuitive for you to remember the adage of "casting the first stone” before you make such sanctimonious pronouncements as in your letter titled "Ruth Kangongoi was on point”. 

It is not that Ruth hadn’t a point in her article (and I am not defending her either); however the ludicrous commentary you spin of it are misdirected and exceptionally myopic.

How then do you have the temerity and shortsighted self-righteously to raise a pointed finger at the perceived failures of others, albeit failures of a miniscule degree comparative to yours of such recent and clear recognition?
The post-election mess in Kenya points to a clear collapse in the moral leadership of our country, Kenya. That is without dispute even in Kenya. This collapse however does not compare even remotely with cataclysmic implosion in Rwanda. 

Your comments on such issues MUST therefore be tempered by your own recognition of your personal incapacities, your own lacking of worth, your own individual propensity to moral failure as in all Mankind - that we are all individually imperfect - that even our God does perfectly understand from what we are made of.

So, please, get off your sanctimonious, self-righteous donkey, and speak to me and others like a brother, my dear Emmanuel!! Splashing your brother with mud does not make you any cleaner than you are.

Tom Marrinka
Nairobi, Kenya
East Africa.