3 arrested over children kidnap

POLICE have arrested three people suspected of kidnapping children in Nyarugenge District in Kigali City.

Thursday, November 01, 2007
R-L: Dunia, Mukasine and Kamabere at Muhima Police Station yesterday.(Photo/J.Mbanda)

POLICE have arrested three people suspected of kidnapping children in Nyarugenge District in Kigali City.The suspects who were paraded before the press at Nyarugenge District Police Headquarters are Musa Dunia, Jeannette Mukasine and Catheline Kamabere.

They are all residents of Kigali City.

Nyarugenge District Police Commander, Superintendent Jean Claude Kajeguhakwa said that Dunia, a Congolese national, extorted money from parents and guardians by disguising as a caretaker of their lost children.

"He (Dunia) kidnaps children and thereafter charg

es an amount for every child who is given back to rightful parents. He always waits for an announcement to pass through the media,” Kajeguhakwa explained.

He said that the other two suspects connived and lured a housemaid at one Winfred Mukamana’s home to give in a three-month-old baby in return for Frw600 to buy a kilogram of meat.

He added that the baby had of recent been recovered in the Western Province after being snatched from its parents in Nyarugenge District, Kigali.

"After a well coordinated network, we managed to hunt for the two of them from Rutsiro and Byumba refugee camps,” he said.   

All the suspects pleaded guilty but claimed that they committed the offence out of good faith.

"I admit that I have kidnapped children four times but I only keep them with me for safety,” Dunia said.

Police Spokesman Inspector Willy Marcel Higiro called on the public to denounce kidnapping tendencies by owning and loving every child like their own. 

He said that kidnapping children is an offence that violates the rights of children and parents.
