High Court orders re-arrest of BNR director

The director of operations at the National Bank of Rwanda, (BNR) has been re-arrested following the order by a quorum presided over by the High Court President Johnston Busingye.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The director of operations at the National Bank of Rwanda, (BNR) has been re-arrested following the order by a quorum presided over by the High Court President Johnston Busingye.

The Gasabo Court of Higher Instance had earlier granted him temporary release after he entered a guilty plea for his bribery charges.

Jean Damascene Nkurunziza was caught red-handed while bribing one Antoine Mupende, president of a Gacaca court of appeal of Nyarugunga, Kigali City suburb.

"The gravity of the crime is recognised by both the defendant and prosecution. So as investigations go on, he can stay in temporary detention to avoid risks of escape until the trial is completed,” Busingye ruled on Tuesday.

 Nkurunziza’s lawyer, Athanase Rutabingwa, yesterday said that his client, who had not attended the court session, was arrested later that day (Tuesday).

On October 7, Nkurunziza was caught red-handed at Le Printemps, a Bar in Kimironko, Kigali City, giving a Frw60, 000 bribe to Mupende.
It is alleged that the Frw60, 000 was a down payment for the Frw200, 000 bribe, which the BNR official had promised Mupende in the event that the latter secured the release of the former’s brother, one Vianney Mugiraneza. Mugiraneza is accused of Genocide.

Earlier Prosecutor Bonaventure Ruberwa had said that Nkurunziza first claimed that the money he had given to the Gacaca official was not a bribe but later confessed that he was trying to bribe the judge to release his brother.

In the same hearing, Rutabingwa argued that his client pleaded guilty, and took longer than the prescribed period before appearing in court, which is against the law.  "Therefore he has a right to a temporary release,” the counsel charged.

It is alleged that Nkurunziza, who is a husband to former lands and forestry minister, Drocelle Mugorewera, acted in connivance with Mugiraneza’s wife, Leonie.
