Rwandatel and Strabag clash over disconnection

western province RUBAVU – The on going construction of the main road from Rubavu to the border with DRC has brought some misunderstandings between construction company Strabag and telecoms operator Rwandatel over alleged destruction of underground cables by Strabag.

Friday, July 24, 2009
The road construction project at the centre of a row between Strabag and Rwandatel.

western province

RUBAVU – The on going construction of the main road from Rubavu to the border with DRC has brought some misunderstandings between construction company Strabag and telecoms operator Rwandatel over alleged destruction of underground cables by Strabag.

The cables destroyed connected fixed  telephone landlines to Lake Kivu Serena hotel, Bralirwa and other companies around the lakeside town adversely affecting business operations in the region.

"We are concerned about the disconnection of some of these companies due to the Strabag activities recently,” complained a Rwandatel network support engineer who was at the site.

Emile Munyandamutsa, a Rwandatel technician who was also at the site, further claims that Strabag engineers must have made an error  while going about with their work. He explained that the construction company went way beyond the area that was designated for their planned activities hence the damage caused.

In response Strabag engineers at the site said that Rwandatel and electrogaz officials were warned in good time that their cables had been laid far too close to the constructed road.

"We don’t want to put life to a stand still but our management warned them before we embarked on this job as we had done our surveys.

They are instead  blaming us for things we warned them about much earlier, "a  Strabag engineer who identified himself as Francis only said.

Rwandatel officials say they are doing every thing possible to restore connection to the affected clients.
