Volcanoes National Park, now safe

NORTHERN PROVINCE After five days and nights of fighting the wild fires which broke out in the Volcanoes   National Park (VNP), officials have confirmed that the fires have been stopped. ‘The fire which ravaged this park   has been a result of reckless activities around the park  by those living around it.

Friday, July 24, 2009


After five days and nights of fighting the wild fires which broke out in the Volcanoes   National Park (VNP), officials have confirmed that the fires have been stopped.
‘The fire which ravaged this park   has been a result of reckless activities around the park  by those living around it.

We call upon those living around the park to be careful about their activities near such protected areas,’’ Prosper Uwingeri the VNP Chief Park warden  said to thousand of residents who had participated in putting out fire.

Speaking to the residents, Gen. Alex Kagame, who was in the operations to put out fire called upon residents to take full responsibility of ensuring the security of the park, and the environment

He  praised  the different groups of people who participated in the operation.

The wild fires which raged in the Virungas, destroyed over 150 hectares of the 160 sq km expansive park.Sources say that the operation is estimated to have cost the government over Rwf 50 Million. 

After the operation the main challenge remains in addressing the issue of curbing  the use  of traditional method of harvesting honey which is attributed to be the course of the  fire outbreak.

Faustian Serugendo, who is alleged to have set the park on fire while harvesting honey in Nyagahinga, in Cyanika sector, later handed him self to the security authorities.

He is currently in hospital nursing the wounds he suffered while attempting to initially put out the fire, without success.

Sources further revealed that over 4,000 local citizens  and Park rangers, along with RDF soldiers and  police, participated in the fire fighting operation.

"What would have been a bigger disaster has been contained because it was given the highest priority and I thank government for this sort of coordinated cooperation.”

Rosette Rugamba RDB deputy CEO in Charge of Tourism and Conservation  said last Monday.
