The army week was productive for Rwandans

The army week, which began on the 26th June 2009, was a chance for our armed forces to get involved with civilians in developmental activities: civilians who were not only amazed but also happy as the Rwanda Defense forces constructed roads and houses for them. RDF is indeed the people’s army.

Friday, July 24, 2009

The army week, which began on the 26th June 2009, was a chance for our armed forces to get involved with civilians in developmental activities: civilians who were not only amazed but also happy as the Rwanda Defense forces constructed roads and houses for them. RDF is indeed the people’s army.

One of the excited civilians said that " this army week has indeed been productive.

At first, when I heard about the army week I thought that it is simply a week that prepared the army for the celebration of their success in liberating this nation but it has turned out to be a wonderful and a productive week for us”.

Another Rwandan, who was touched by the army activities during this prolonged week said that " it is wonderful to live in a country whose army cares for the lives of the civilians”.

It was indeed amazing to see a military officer carrying building materials such as bricks and cement all for the sake of the civilians. We must confess that this army is one of a kind.

Africans are, or were used to having an army that always seemed terrifying and unfriendly to the civilian population, but to have an army that is  concerned about the life of a civilian is absolutely unimaginable.

Rwanda Defense Forces should be applauded for their activities and for returning trust and confidence among the civilians towards the army.

"We used to fear the army;  everybody that wore a military uniform was not always friendly to the people but to see us (civilians) getting involved with them (the army) in activities such as these it is a fantastic idea, Charles Zibonera of Nyamagabe said.

"We must thank the army and its high command for bringing them closer to the people; actually when we see them involved in pro-civilian activities we feel more protected than ever we have been” he added.

The army did not only construct roads and houses for orphans and widows, who had been shelter-less since 1994, but was also involved in life saving activities. Their doctors carried out operations on the civilians who had severe bone fractures.

They also provided other health facilities like mosquito nets to the civilian population and many other services.
This continent needs a pro-people army and not that kind that citizens are not comfortable with.

The RDF has exhibited this character and we need to applaud and encourage them to keep their spirits high.

They have exhibited the character of a true liberating force whose revolutionary principles and ideology have always been to serve the interest of the people and make all the people of Rwanda feel at home and very secure.