Residents benefit from one cow per family programme

EASTERN REGION NYAGATARE - Residents from the sectors of Mimuli, Kiyombe, Matimba and Rukomo in Nyagatare district on Wednesday received forty exotic cows as a result of the President’s one cow per family initiative.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


NYAGATARE - Residents from the sectors of Mimuli, Kiyombe, Matimba and Rukomo in Nyagatare district on Wednesday received forty exotic cows as a result of the President’s one cow per family initiative.

The excited beneficiaries thanked the president for his constant efforts to fight poverty among Rwandan people.
‘It was a dream that I would own an exotic cow like this.

I will carefully look after it and extend it to my neighbours who have not got this chance. We exceptionally thank the president for his companionate heart by driving us from poverty and malnutrition,’ one of the beneficiaries, Thomas Ngayaberura said.

Handing over the cows to beneficiaries, Nyagatare District Mayor, Robert Kashemeza told residents to embrace a better mode of animal husbandry for the cows for the purposes of boosting their yields.

The donation of cows was spearheaded by the Umutara Community Resource and Infrastructure Development Project (UCRIDP/PDRCIU) which is a partner in one cow per family programme.
