Yasmine Malika

Editor, After reading the despicable article in Umuseso which read like a resurrection of “Kangura”, I was deeply disturbed by the soft tone of your editorial “Some Sections of Our Media have Gone Overboard”. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


After reading the despicable article in Umuseso which read like a resurrection of "Kangura”, I was deeply disturbed by the soft tone of your editorial "Some Sections of Our Media have Gone Overboard”. 

As the leading newspaper in Rwanda, I expected more from the New Times than a description of the comparison between Kagame and Habyarimana as "narrow and simplistic” or "infuriating”.

As a Rwandan woman who has lived without fear for the first time in the last fifteen years, I was horrified to see that a trashy tabloid posing as a "newspaper” would dust off the "Kangura” template and proceed to deny the horrors we were forced to experience, dismiss the astounding progress this country has achieved and attempt in broad daylight to sow evil and hatred among Rwandans.

I feel strongly that it is your responsibility as a respected paper to take a strong stand and denounce the irresponsible and malicious article that seeks to destroy what has so painfully been rebuilt.

Maybe you feel that as part of the media fraternity you have to be supportive of other press outlets – but you are letting down all decent Rwandans by your soft treatment of this unethical and shameful piece by the Umuseso tabloid. You have to do better than this!

Yasmine Malika
