Mayor speaks out on transport chaos in town

EATSERN PROVINCE Rwamagana – Taxis plying between Rwamagana and Kigali have been offering haphazard services even after the construction of  a new taxi park by the local authorities.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Rwamagana district Mayor Valese Ntezirembo


Rwamagana – Taxis plying between Rwamagana and Kigali have been offering haphazard services even after the construction of  a new taxi park by the local authorities.

The chaotic nature of transport plying Rwamagana-Kigali route has prompted The New Times to seek a clarification on this issue.

Valens Ntezirembo the district’s mayor promised to take action to sort out what he termed as a mess which he traced from operators.

Expounding further on the transport disorder, he said, "Taxi operators have been going about their activities in a very stubborn manner to the extent that they don’t heed to advise by leaders.

For instance due to such ill conceived manner of operations SOTRA  is now temporarily closed due its poor operations,” the Mayor said.

The location of taxi parks in the town have been shifting from time to time, to the dismay of many residents. This has constantly disturbed passengers. In most cases passengers ask why they are subjected to such manoeuvres.

"Taxi operators decided to shift on their own. But surprisingly, they continue to establish funny bus stops hence creating chaos. Passengers are our primary concern, so we can’t allow the mess to continue,” the Mayor observed.

There are numerous transport operators based in Rwamagana. Despite the fairly larger number of operators  passengers still complain of poor services.

"There is no true competition. Otherwise how do you explain the seemingly poor services operators subject passengers here in Rwamagana?” said Richard Kanumugire, an area resident.

Many residents say that Rwamagana is a fast growing town that cannot afford to be taken at ransom by such operators. "We have to get to the root of this mess.

Let those taxi operators who do not conform to our demands be forced out of business,” complained a visibly angry passenger seated in taxi.

On the other hand, taxi operators say they were not pleased by the newly created taxi park which is located at a distance from the main town centre. They claim the shifting created losses to their companies.

"Ever since our taxis were moved here by the authorities, we have registered heavy losses. Very few passengers come here, because ‘Twegerane’ (other non- express taxis) pick them. Passengers have also had to pay extra money to come to this remote part of the city,” Maurice Rusine, official in charge of ATRACO said.

This is contradictory to  the Mayor’s remarks who informed this reporter that  the new park location  was identified by owners of the taxis.

In this, the Stella taxi manager differs with the mayor. "This new park is not making any business sense for us. Our company is registering heavy losses daily.

We should be allowed to resume business in our former strategic location,” Mansuru Niyivuguruza said.
Residents further say that the problem is worsened by lack of uniformity in effecting a firm  decision.

"When Taxis were ordered to start operating in the new park, some remained in town like SOTRA. The ground has to be levelled if we are to end the chaos,” he complained.

Complaining on lack of unified decision making he said that, "ATRACO is favoured by the move. You know all these other taxis belong to ATRACO. They pick all passengers outside the park. A passenger prefers to pick a taxi near to him or her-this is simple logic”.

Currently taxi operators have been asked by authorities to resume their work in town, only if they can access well cemented and closed off premises.

The new taxi park is located off the main town. It therefore calls for one to pick a motorcycle to and from the park.
 "All of us should be part of such important decisions on our daily lives. If the services are meant to help us, then we should be consulted,”residents told this reporter.
