Teenager murder suspects arrested

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA – Police in Nyamabuye sector is holding two adults suspected to have killed a 14 year old boy in Shogwe sector on July 17.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Andrea Mpazimpaka (L) and Anizia Musengimana (R) are alleged to have planned and executed the death of the victim, Emmanuel Ndatimana. (Photo: D. Sabiiti)


MUHANGA – Police in Nyamabuye sector is holding two adults suspected to have killed a 14 year old boy in Shogwe sector on July 17.

Police identified the suspects as Andrea Mpazimpaka and Anizia Musengimana. The two are believed to have planned the death  of the victim, Emmanuel Ndatimana.

One of the suspects, Mpazimpaka -who also lived with the family of the deceased, confessed that he was hired by Musengimana to kill the teenager after a land row pitting the two families.

"I was promised Rwf 50,000 as payment for killing  the teenager. However as we speak this amount was not delivered even after I finished the job.

It is very regrettable that I killed  someone whom I lived with for years” Mpazimpaka said. He also revealed that the row was a result of the two families competing for overseeing a piece of land owned by Clement Dusabe, a Kigali based resident.

Mpazimpaka  narrated the manner in which the murder was carried out. He narrated that he cut the throat of the victim and later on stubbed himself in the chest where upon he called for help at about 1am on July 17.

Residents initially fell for his bluff by coming to his rescue. In the ensuing melodrama  both were rushed to hospital.

However Mpazimpaka’s cover was exposed and he  was netted after, Police investigation found the  panga he used to finish off his job at the murder scene later on.

The other suspect, Musengimana, denied the allegations made by Mpazimpaka saying that it was all concocted. He refuted claims by Mpazimpaka that there was a row  over the piece of land belonging to Dusabe.

Police also revealed that similar conflict-related cases of murder has been reported in Muhanga district.

Three Kabacuzi sector residents are currently held at Nyamabuye station in connection with the death of Saverie Gashiringi, 77, whose body was found in a river on July 19. 
Police says that all the cases will be ready for prosecution in due course.
