More refugees return home

NORTHERN PROVINCE GATUNA - A total of 484 Rwandan refugees from Ugandan refugee settlements of Nakivale, Cyaka 11 and Kyangwari returned home on Tuesday. The latest group which comprised 117 men, 138 women and 229 children arrived at Gatuna border post at 3.30 pm.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Returnees sorting out their luggages on Tuesday at Gicumbi transit camp. (Photo: A. Gahene)


GATUNA - A total of 484 Rwandan refugees from Ugandan refugee settlements of Nakivale, Cyaka 11 and Kyangwari returned home on Tuesday. The latest group which comprised 117 men, 138 women and 229 children arrived at Gatuna border post at 3.30 pm.

The returnees were received by United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and Ministry of local government officials.

They were transported to Gicumbi transit camp, located 30 km from Gatuna border for screening exercise and provision of essential commodities.

"Each family is to be given food rations to last for three months, in addition to providing them with household necessities to enable them settle in their respective districts”, said a Ministry of local government official based at Gicumbi transit camp Mark Shakagabo.

The executive Secretary for the National council of Refugees Innocent Ngango last week revealed to The New Times that a large number of Rwandan refugees are expected to return home before 31st July, which is the date set as deadline for the return of all Rwandan refugees from Uganda.

"This follows sensitization campaigns by Rwandan officials to refugees in these camps to voluntarily return home and participate in national economic development because Rwanda is enjoying peace and tranquility”, said Ngango.

He further said UNHCR officials at Ugandan refugee camps had promised to expedite the repatriation exercise.
