It is our responsibility to protect our tourist sites

Editor, Over the weekend it is suspected that honey harvesters set the Volcanoes National Park ablaze. Tourism is the country’s number one foreign exchange earner and is hence contributing to the country’s economic development.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Over the weekend it is suspected that honey harvesters set the Volcanoes National Park ablaze. Tourism is the country’s number one foreign exchange earner and is hence contributing to the country’s economic development.

It should not be only the government’s responsibility to protect the park and other tourist sites in the country since we, the people, are the ultimate beneficiaries.

The tourism sector provides jobs to the locals and get roads .

It is very unintelligent to destroy the park through illegal activities such as hunting and bee-keeping in the park that has been designated for the gorillas.

The local authorities with the help from the government should keep an eye on the possible criminals and put up stringent measures that would serve as lesson to any body who would attempt to break the law.

The gorillas have become Rwanda’s cash cows and we should all protect them jealously for our own good and for the future.

Patrick Dukuze