An open letter to The New Times: I agree with yesterdays Op-ed by Mr. Ntayombya

Editor, Where were the so-called human rights experts when every human rights rule in the book was being violated and a million lives brutally murdered?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Where were the so-called human rights experts when every human rights rule in the book was being violated and a million lives brutally murdered?

That so good for nothing Kenyan Professor, out of stereotype and chauvinism, will not even bother to read a thing in your submission but even if he did, would it change anything about their perception about our modest efforts to build Rwanda in particular and Africa in general?

I do not think so and reason is because these ‘people’ believe that nothing good can come out of Africa and Rwanda in particular- a country with the guts to stand up to the French i.e. ‘the champions of a free world.

Nevertheless, whoever reads your article will surely know that you have got the fellows with their pants down.

So Bravo and Aluta Continua
David Bakora