Press Freedom ought to be respected

Editor, In the principles of a free press, I think your editorial about a local tabloid     (Umuseso 20-27 July edition-Ed) comparing Kagame and Habyarima is pathetic and unacceptable; you cannot attack a sister publication like that!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


In the principles of a free press, I think your editorial about a local tabloid     (Umuseso 20-27 July edition-Ed) comparing Kagame and Habyarima is pathetic and unacceptable; you cannot attack a sister publication like that!

Respect the Rwandan readers and if indeed the paper insinuated, then let readers say so. But for you to state that

"..any sane person needs no services of a magnifying glass to appreciate the miraculous journey that this nation has undertaken over the past 15 years.”…is unacceptable in journalism.

A free press helps everyone. You must understand any regime must be checked- even the most democratic leaders are criticized.

Nicholas Bariyo