Rwanda remains a Mecca for foreign investors and investments

The good news today is that Rwanda’s economy is on a steady footing despite the global financial crisis that has been affecting every economy in the world.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The good news today is that Rwanda’s economy is on a steady footing despite the global financial crisis that has been affecting every economy in the world.

Despite the global economic downturn, investors instead of completely withholding their money from Rwanda, like they have in other countries, continued to invest it in the country.

Just a few days ago, the Madhvani Group of Companies agreed to buy some of the prime Kimihurura land currently valued at US$ 300,000.

Investors from China, the USA, the Middle East and other countries are actively investing in Rwanda today.

The current government’s promotion of a business-friendly investment climate has played a major role in this. The government’s involvement was, and is, crucial since transforming the country into a self-reliant economy through entrepreneurship and setting in place a firm private sector base is a work in progress.

This methodical approach, which will necessarily take some time, is reiterated by President Paul Kagame every time he talks about Rwanda reducing aid dependency and becoming economically stable. 

"…The emphasis is not on giving it a time limit as such. I think we still have time talking about the principles, the processes that must be carried out.

I wish I could do it sooner, I wish I could realise it in my term of office but maybe it will come after …,” President Kagame said during a recent CNN interview.

Being a part of Africa’s never ending poverty, hunger, war and corruption is an option that Rwanda has refused. Rwanda has chosen the other path: a path to economic prosperity. 

There are no second thoughts about this path because the leadership is obviously determined to pursue this direction irrespective of any negative reports from the critics.

If the leader of a state is a conniving, manipulative, greedy and self-centered being, then the country he leads is bound to suffer economically, socially and politically in all sectors.

But, if the leader is a servant leader, one who minds about the interest of his people more than his own, one who seeks peace and love in response to war and hate, one who strives for the well being of the people rather than exploiting the country’s resources and workforce only to pocket the money at the end of the day, then there is a lot to be grateful for.

I believe that the leadership in this country is of the latter category
So, as much as there are numerous business opportunities here, the main reason we still see investors coming to our shores is because they see a leadership that is stable, uncorrupt and business friendly.

That is Rwanda’s competitive advantage.