Deal on EAC common market to be signed in November

NAIROBI - The East African Community common market protocol will be signed in November this year.According to Trade Minister Amos Kimunya, last week’s meeting of heads of state in Tanzania made a breakthrough on contentious issues.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

NAIROBI - The East African Community common market protocol will be signed in November this year.According to Trade Minister Amos Kimunya, last week’s meeting of heads of state in Tanzania made a breakthrough on contentious issues.

"A formula on how to restore the three issues that have remained standing is out and the signing will take place in November,” said the minister.

Member states of the community have made substantial progress in fast-tracking the market. However, Tanzania had raised objection to various clauses including automatic access to its land by non-citizens, use of national IDs as travel documents and granting of permanent residence.

"The heads of state meeting last week was very crucial in ensuring that we move forward in the area,” said Mr Kimunya.The recent incorporation of Rwanda and Burundi into the community has also played a role.

The EAC is an important market for Kenya’s exports taking up 51 per cent of total exports to African countries in 2008.

The country’s exports have risen from Sh53 billion in 2006 to Sh64 billion in 2007 and further to Sh84 billion in 2008.
The common market protocol is expected to boost trade in the region.

The EAC has been making efforts towards establishing a Free Trade Area (FTA) with other trading blocs.
This has been pegged on a tripartite Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) talks between it, the COMESA and the SADC.

The minister was speaking during the launch of his ministries strategic plan for the period 2008-2012.
