Youths challenged to join business

Young people in the country have been challenged to go into businesses as a way of helping the country achieve its development goals.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Young people in the country have been challenged to go into businesses as a way of helping the country achieve its development goals.

Speaking at Junior Chamber International’s(JCI) business networking breakfast yesterday, Rajeev Agrawal Technology and Business Incubation Facility (TBIF) Manager challenged the youth to embark on businesses even prior to joining any kind of employment.

"We are encouraging fresh graduates to go into businesses; entrepreneurship needs to be a first option. This will greatly contribute to the country’s development,” Agrawal said.

Addressing the young entrepreneurs Agrawal said that venturing into businesses would give the youth’s financial freedom and also help in abolishing existing market monopolies.

"We need to learn from countries like China and India regarding importance of Small business in development of a country.”

He advised the young entrepreneurships to challenge their creativity and embark on networking and partnerships while establishing their businesses.

Agrawal revealed that recently TBIF was honoured as the leading Business incubator facility in Africa and that its model would be replicated by other countries in the continent.

TBIF is a unique initiative established by Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) to provide Business Incubation and Support Services to accelerate the development of technology based on start-up entrepreneurs in Rwanda.

 "Private sector is within the third pillar of the vision 2020 plans; we are hence challenging the young people to embark on opportunities within the sector,” Senator Balinda Rwigamba said.

Rwigamba who is sole founder of Kigali Independent University presented fundamental principles that would help the youths in developing successful businesses.

"The keys to business success include faith in God, a positive attitude, possessing good ethics and the application of good management and planning skills,” Rwigamba noted.

"Young people need to change their mentality and embrace business opportunities available for them.”

JCI is a leadership development organization for young people in the country.
