Allan's Life Principles: Pride, despising & arrogance

In many cases, we miss out on our break through because of the way we behave and characters we have adopted.Sometimes we adopt pride which is disdainful or disrespectful treatment of others or we despise which is to dislike someone very much and sometimes its sheer arrogance. Arrogance is defined as thinking that you are very important to the point of behaving rudely.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

In many cases, we miss out on our break through because of the way we behave and characters we have adopted.

Sometimes we adopt pride which is disdainful or disrespectful treatment of others or we despise which is to dislike someone very much and sometimes its sheer arrogance. Arrogance is defined as thinking that you are very important to the point of behaving rudely.

In most of the Bible principles we learnt that God uses man to reach us in various ways. This means that some of your achievements or miracles will be attained through interaction with various kinds of people (at work, home, etc).

We also learn that there are J.E.A.B people that can turn our lives into success. Remember J.E.A.B stands for Joseph, Epophorous, Ananias, and Barnabas.

The question is what kind of people do you expect God to use to influence your life? Are you ready to interact with any kind of person on earth? Are you proud, arrogant? Do you despise people?

In certain instances because of PRIDE we undertake to do things beyond our ability. Proverbs 6:1-6, shows how we undertake to do things beyond our reach because we cannot swallow our PRIDE.

Our PRIDE may not allow us to listen to people you think are not of your class yet they have an important message to our lives.

If Paul (who was persecuting Christians) had despised Ananias (a simple man) who had come to pray for him (sent by God) to regain his sight back, he would not have become a prosperous preacher.

If you are going through a problem, say financial, and you expect only people in office to help you out then that is a wrong perception, remember God uses people who will be effective and not because of their status.

Psalms 101:5 says, "I will not tolerate people who slander their neighbours. I will not endure conceit and pride”. God is willing to use people who will drop their pride.

When you ask from God with pride, He will not endure you. We therefore need to humble ourselves in front of God and man.

One of the reasons why the people of Sodom earned the wrath of God was because of pride. Ezekiel 16:49 highlights that God doesn’t tolerate pride and he can take strong measures against people with pride that leads them in doing what is not right.

In Daniel 5:19-20, God removed king Nebuchadnezzar from his kingdom because he had developed a sense of pride.

God will take a step to remove all the material things that bring Pride in you until you drop it. 1John 3:16 shows that pride in our possessions, comes from the world of evil.

God will not tolerate people who DESPISE others and people who despise authority 2Peter 2:10. Friends, we do not lose anything by being humble and respectful of anyone in any class.

In Proverbs 8:13, God clearly states that He hates pride and arrogance.

In some of the principles we said that the year 2008 is a year of great achievements, we also said we need to cry to God for his help because he promised never to abandon us. But my friend, Pride, Arrogance and despise will make you miss the promises that God has over your life.

When we drop these bad characters: God will provide better things than we have; We shall not miss our chance of excellence through despising the source of the solution; We shall be able to interact well with everyone regardless of their different status and this will be beneficial for our success; We shall be approachable.

When you drop your PRIDE everyone will be PROUD of you.
