Huye district at a glance

Created in 2006 as a result of the local administrative reforms, Huye district is largely rural. It is divided into 14 Sectors.

Friday, July 17, 2009
Butare town, (photo Ntambara )

Created in 2006 as a result of the local administrative reforms, Huye district is largely rural. It is divided into 14 Sectors.

It has population of over 290,000 inhabitants with a population density of 500 Hab/Km2. Majority of the population relies on subsistence farming.

The district is well known for its high quality specialty Maraba coffee that has attracted a big market locally and internationally.

The intensive cultivation of cassava has been seen to be viable in the district. Through land consolidation, over 700ha have been cultivated.

Cassava processing plants are being set up for value addition. Over 700 cows have been given out through the one-cow –one family initiative.

Education is the most vibrant sector in the district. Ninety nursery schools have been set up with a total enrollment of 5654 children.

The district has over 60,000 pupils in primary school and over 10,000 students in 24 secondary schools. Parents play an active role in the education of their children through the Parents-Teachers committees.

They also contribute towards teacher’s welfare through a district education fund.

The district is home to the National University of Rwanda, the Institute of Scientific and Technological Research and the National Museum attracting many visitors annually.

The district boasts of one referral hospital; the University teaching of Butare and a number of health centers spread out in the different Sectors.

Residents have been enthusiastic about the health insurance scheme; Mutuelles de sante has received overwhelming reception in the district. The enrollment to the scheme today stands at 82.3 percent.
