Over 600 Rwandan Refugees return home

NORTHERN PROVINCE GATUNA – More than 600 Rwandan Refugees were repatriated from Nakivale, Oruchinga and Chaka 11 refugee settlements of western Uganda on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Friday, July 17, 2009
Returnees line up for screening at Gicumbi transit camp. (Photo: A.Gahene)


GATUNA – More than 600 Rwandan Refugees were repatriated from Nakivale, Oruchinga and Chaka 11 refugee settlements of western Uganda on Tuesday and Wednesday.

This  follows  sensitization campaigns by Rwandan officials for the refugees to return home.

The Executive secretary of the national council for refugees Innocent Ngango revealed to The New Times of his last week fruitful visit to Western Uganda refugee settlements in the company of  District Mayors Robert Kashemeza of Nyagatare, Vianey Murego of Gatsibo and Protais Murayire of Kirehe.

"We managed to sensitize many Rwandan refugees of the need for them to return to their motherland and participate in national development, since the country was enjoying peace and tranquility”, said Ngango.

Regarding the refugees’ response during the return home sensitization campaign, Ngango further said most refugees cited delays in their repatriation as being attributed to slow registration exercise by United Nations High commission for Refugees (UNHCR) officials at the camps.

Others said they were still harvesting their crops in the fields. "UNHCR officials at these camps promised to be more efficient as to expedite the repatriation exercise, before the 31st July deadline for the return of Rwandan refugees approaches”, he added.

A total of 312 Rwandan returnees arrived at Gatuna border on Tuesday. The number was followed by the Wednesday group comprising of 340 returnees.

Both groups were received by UNHCR and National Council for Refugees officials at Gicumbi transit camp, located near Rukomo trading center which is about 30km from Gatuna border.

"These numbers are the highest figures registered so far  since the beginning of this exercise”, said a Ministry of Local government official at the transit center Mark Shakagabo.
