Rwf 22 million health centre unveiled

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA – At least 3,000 residents in Gasagara cell, Rongi sector are set to benefit from a newly constructed health center.

Friday, July 17, 2009
District and IntraHealth Twubakane officials inspect the newly constructed Gasagara Health Center. (Photo: D. Sabiiti)


MUHANGA – At least 3,000 residents in Gasagara cell, Rongi sector are set to benefit from a newly constructed health center.

Built at a cost of Rwf 22m, the health center was constructed partly through efforts by residents and additional funding by IntraHealth/Twubakane-a USAID decentralization and health project in Rwanda.

Gasagara health center, located 54km from Kabgayi referral hospital, will replace the previous one that has been operational in this area. Its construction will mean that those living around will have better access to a better equipped health facility.

This was revealed by  Dieudonné Twagiramungu, the cell leader.

"The center will reduce the distances travelled by patients to acess health services.Further still it’s location will increase numbers of cases handled to at least 60 per day, while serving to address the problems of poor health services.” Twagiramungu added.

District and IntraHealth/Twubakane officials inspected the new health center on July 16 and commended the work done ahead of the official handover to the residents which has been slated for next month.

Charles Kayobotse, the project coordinator said that another Rwf 24 million  has been requested from IntraHealth to fully equip the health center and by August the residents will be able to access better  health services. 

Bernard Muhire, one of the patients at the old post-health center suggested that HIV/Aids facilities and VCT services are urgently need in his area of residence.

He further added that an outreach programme for persons living with HIV/Aids was also needed to cater for those infected.
