Take serious action over Ombudsman’s report!!

It was a shocking report to say the least. The Rwanda Police force  had been seen as exemplary institution; that it was implicated in the report and actually rated the number one culprit is very embarrassing not only to the institution itself or its leadership but also to the people of Rwanda whose confidence was vested in the force.

Friday, July 17, 2009

It was a shocking report to say the least. The Rwanda Police force  had been seen as exemplary institution; that it was implicated in the report and actually rated the number one culprit is very embarrassing not only to the institution itself or its leadership but also to the people of Rwanda whose confidence was vested in the force.

It was with pride that Rwandans living in Uganda, listening to Radio One ‘Ekimeeza’ radio program, heard one Ugandans after anotherr cite Rwanda’s Police, especially the traffic department, as the most dignified and corruption-free in the whole East Africa.

So it was appalling when we found out that our source of pride was perceived as full of corrupt elements. It was disturbing to hear the reaction of the Ugandans whose, hitherto, trust and confidence in Rwanda police had been a damning indictment of their own force.

Rwandans, who used to move with their heads high whenever this topic of corruption grost, now move around with their heads bowed.

Something must be done to shake the whole traffic department. Actually, maybe the whole department ought to be overhauled. The Commissioner General of Police must do something drastic.

Rwandans are not only scared by the police but were also troubled by the other institution that the Ombudsman’s report pointed out: the Judiciary.

It is sad that  those that are supposed to enforce and uphold the law are ranked its number one violators.
It is sad day when justice is only for those who can manage to put together enough money to bride the custodians of the law. Chief Justice, the ball in your court: literally.

Rwandans should not sit back and watch while their country is being derailed by a few bad apples.  I want to thank the Ombudsman for uncovering and exposing the sleaze that exists in these institutions.

Now that the beans have been spilt, the culprits must face tough action. They should be handled with  firmness and serve as an example to those that are thinking about going down a similar route.

Prosecutor General Mr. Martin Ngoga has come out strongly to protest the report saying that it was not based on facts but rather perceptions.

But those damning this report should also be aware of the saying "there is no smoke  without fire”

Should the ombudsman provide solid evidence, in addition to the public’s perceptions, then tangible action must be seriously considered.

Otherwise, the public will permanently lose its confidence in the entire judicial system. These two institutions have been smeared with dung of corrutption and it is pertinent that they reverse thier public perceptions and prove that the confidence and the pride that the people of Rwanda had in them wasn’t misplaced.
