Bickering over donor funds ripping Saint Famille apart

KIGALI - Officers from the Criminal Investigation Department are investigating claims that a senior priest at Saint Famille Catholic Church in Kigali allegedly diverted money meant for widows of the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi.

Friday, July 17, 2009
CID Boss, Bizimungu Christopher

KIGALI - Officers from the Criminal Investigation Department are investigating claims that a senior priest at Saint Famille Catholic Church in Kigali allegedly diverted money meant for widows of the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi.

A source from police told this newspaper yesterday that Gratia Mukantagara, a former employee of Saint Famille reported the priest, Remy Mvuyekure, to CID on June 30.

According to Mukantagara, the money Rwf 8m had been sent in her names to help members of Swolodi, a local widows’ project operating under the church.

The money, according to documents seen by The NewTimes came from Solwadi, the major benefactor in Germany in 2007. But the beneficiaries claim the way the money was spent is questionable.

"There is nothing on the ground to show that money was spent. We need accountability,” one of the beneficiaries who declined to be named said on Monday.

Documents available indicate that money was sent to help widows start income generating projects.

According to Mukantagara, she learnt that the money had come in 2007 after the benefactors wrote to her demanding accountability.

When she confronted Father Mvuyekure, he reportedly admitted having received the money but argued that it was meant for the church not Mukantagara as an individual.

According to Mukantagara, when she insisted to know how the money was spent, Father Mvuyekure reportedly fired her.

Sacked for doing a good job?
"I was sacked for doing a good job. The money belonged to the widows but the priest hijacked it. We need justice,” Mukantagara said.

The NewTimes has learnt that Mukantagara appeared to CID offices on Wednesday last week to substantiate her claims.

According to the source, after tendering in documents indicting that the money was sent in her names to help the vulnerable, police reportedly summoned the priest to respond to the claims.

When contacted yesterday, Interpol Chief, Tony Kuramba confirmed that CID was investigating the case to find out to whom the money was sent.

"I asked the officers here to investigate and get to the root cause of the matter.  Investigators’ report is not yet out,” Kuramba said by phone, adding "we shall tell you what happened exactly.”

He said CID will also contact Solwodi officials in Germany to find out who was supposed to receive the money.

"We cannot at this stage say whether the money belonged to Mukantagara or to the church,” Kuramba added.

Kuramba said he learnt about the case because CID director, Christopher Bizimungu was out of the country by the time Mukantagara presented her case to police and he had stood in for him.

Efforts to talk to Mvuyekure were futile as his phone has been switched off since Tuesday.

His Secretary said yesterday the priest could no be reached for a comment because he was in a retreat. Documents seen by The NewTimes show that in 2006, two members from Kindermission werk, a charity organization based in Germany visited Saint Famille.

The visitors included Judith Lamp and Ndelheid Frohlich also members of Kindermission werk.

While in Kigali, they were touched by the plight of the widows and needy children who needed to go to school. Back to Germany, together with Solwodi members, they mobilized funds for the Kigali widows.

Documents obtained indicate that the money was sent in 2007. Other documents also show that the benefactors wanted Mukantagara to confirm whether she received the money.

Kinder Missionwerk president Bishop Pilz Winfried wrote in 2007, saying accountability was highly necessary if the beneficiaries needed more help.

But the rift between Father Mvuyekure and Mukantagara took a new twist when the former sacked her on June 18, 2007.

Mvuyekure said in the sacking letter that she was fired for absconding from duty without permission.
Mukantagara wants the CID to investigate the priest and explain where he put the money.

Mvuyekure’s alleged scam comes days after leaders of Italia Solidale, a local church-affiliated NGO were dragged to court for allegedly diverting money meant for orphans.
The leaders according to beneficiaries pocketed about Rwf 3billion.

Italia Solidale had received funds from Italy to help about 2000 orphans left vulnerable by the 1994 Genocide against Tutsis. But the leaders of this NGO instead reportedly put the money to their own use. 
