Bill opens Social Security access

All Rwandans to access pensions by 2015 NYARUGENGE - Government is working on a policy that would allow every Rwandan to have access to social security, regardless of their employment. This was revealed yesterday by finance minister James Musoni while tabling before the Senate a bill to merge Rwanda Medical Insurance Company (RAMA) and the Social Security Fund of Rwanda (SSFR). 

Thursday, July 16, 2009
James Musoni

All Rwandans to access pensions by 2015

NYARUGENGE - Government is working on a policy that would allow every Rwandan to have access to social security, regardless of their employment.

This was revealed yesterday by finance minister James Musoni while tabling before the Senate a bill to merge Rwanda Medical Insurance Company (RAMA) and the Social Security Fund of Rwanda (SSFR). 

During the session, Musoni told the Senators that the new policy will solve the problem of ordinary citizens who do not adhere to any form of social security, as all the existing funds in the country are based on the adherer’s salary yet some Rwandans earn nothing at the end of the month.

A press statement issued by the Senate’s information office indicate that many Rwandans do not work for either public or private institutions, thus it has been difficult to help them enjoy their right of having access to any form of social security.

"There are plans to mobilise people about joining cooperatives and showing them how they can benefit from subscribing to social security and other forms of insurances available in the country,” the release reads in part.

It is believed that the merger, if adopted and implemented, would lead to every Rwandan having access to social security and insurance of various sorts by 2015.

The release states that the Senators called for sufficient prior consultations to ordinary people who are targeted as beneficiaries of the policy, so as to allow them to subscribe to an idea they fully understand.

Senators also examined and endorsed the draft law that would see the creation of Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB), an institution that would combine the two institutions but it will be subject for further discussions in a committee session.
