Senators call for better conditions in hospitals

SENATORS have called for improved hospitals and health centers in the country in a bid to meet the required standards.

Monday, October 29, 2007
Dr Nyiramirimo.

SENATORS have called for improved hospitals and health centers in the country in a bid to meet the required standards.

A report compiled recently by the Senatorial Standing Committee on Social Welfare and Human Rights, reveals that some health centers across the country have few or no ambulances to transport patients to hospitals.

The report says that diseases like cancer and kidney failure are not planned for in many hospitals and patients have to order for their own medicines from Uganda while others die because of failure to access drugs.

It also indicates that private health centers are overtaxed.
"Importing drugs is expensive for private health centres and pharmacies because of the taxes imposed on those drugs,” the report adds.

Senators urged the Ministry of Health to help private health centers improve on their by giving them subsidies on drugs, which they said, will enable more people access medication.

The committee’s president, Senator Odette Nyiramirimo, said that many hospitals and health centres are still operating in poor conditions with, for instance, patients suffering from different diseases sharing one bed.

"Hospitals and health centers still lack enough equipment like laboratories, workers and enough space,” she said.

She said that the few health workers are still underpaid while others continue to quit the profession for better opportunities.
Some districts lack hospitals and patients have to travel long distances to find other health centres in the nearby districts, she added.

Senator Chrysologue Kubwimana charged that for patients for share beds yet they suffer from different diseases was dangerous and can worsen matters.
