Give the ombudsman a break

Dear Editor, I have been following the news about the Ombudsman report. I consider it disrespectful that reputable institutions such as the judiciary are fighting their grievances in the public.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dear Editor,

I have been following the news about the Ombudsman report. I consider it disrespectful that reputable institutions such as the judiciary are fighting their grievances in the public.

If they have a problem, they should take the Ombudsman to court or ask Parliament to look into the matter.

By washing their dirty linen in public, they are only adding insult to injury.

As if that is not enough, the Ombudsman is supposed to be their partner in fighting crime and ensuring justice.

If they keep slamming him and his report in public, the Ombudsman risks becoming the barking dog that never bites.

Germaine Ingabire