Doctors warned against charging illegal dues

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI- Medical practitioners have been cautioned against charging dues from patients who have medical insurance.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

KARONGI- Medical practitioners have been cautioned against charging dues from patients who have medical insurance.

This stern warning was made last Monday  by Health Minister Dr Richard Sezibera. He said that it is completely wrong for referred patients to pay doctors once they are registered with the insurance policy.
The move comes amid widespread reports that doctors especially those from the dental department at Kibuye hospital had refuse to treat patients despite being in possession of health insurance (Mituelle de Sante).

"When patients are referred to the hospital from a health centre, it is mandatory that they receive treatment free of charge because the insurance takes care of such costs,” Sezibera told The New Times over the telephone yesterday.

"I am yet to confirm those unfortunate occurrences but incase they are true, the law will take its course. Patients have their rights and doctors ought to observe them,” he said.

He admitted that there is shortage of medical staff in such rural hospitals but insisted that this should not compromise their professionalism.
