Woman arrested bribing a judge

Police have arrested Eugenie Mushimiyimana for allegedly bribing Roselyn Ninahazwa a judge at Gasabo Court of Higher Instance. Mushimiyimana, 45 was arrested red handed trying to hand an envelope containing Rwf500,000 to the Judge on Sunday night at exactly 12:16 midnight at Mimosa Restaurant, Kacyiru.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Police have arrested Eugenie Mushimiyimana for allegedly bribing Roselyn Ninahazwa a judge at Gasabo Court of Higher Instance.

Mushimiyimana, 45 was arrested red handed trying to hand an envelope containing Rwf500,000 to the Judge on Sunday night at exactly 12:16 midnight at Mimosa Restaurant, Kacyiru.

"The Judge was contacted on her cell phone by the suspect and she immediately alerted us. We then quickly deployed policemen for a possible arrest,” police spokesman John Uwamungu said yesterday.

Uwamungu said that the suspect was bribing the judge to pass a ruling in favour of her cousin identified as Jean de Dieu Karangira who is accused of flouting tendering procedures in the Ministry of Infrastructure.

Karangira is currently detained at Kimironko prison but details of his case were not available by press time.
But the lady suspect now detained at Remera Police Station has denied bribing the judge telling The New Times that she was just a messenger for her cousin.

"I did not know the motive behind the parcel I was carrying, we did not know each other (with the judge) before, it was my first time we met,” she pleaded.

She said that she got the judge’s contacts from her cousin.

Recently a lawyer was also arrested by police for allegedly bribing a judge at Kagarama Court of Lower Instance.
