Man stabs colleague to death

GICUMBI- A motorcycle mechanic Jean Ndolimana aged 25 of Gacurabwenge Cell in Byumba Sector last week stabbed his colleague Jean Claude Muhoza aged 26, also a motorcycle mechanic to death.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Nabbed. Jean Ndolimana at Byumba Police station, awaiting trial for murder case[1]. photo by A.Gahene

GICUMBI- A motorcycle mechanic Jean Ndolimana aged 25 of Gacurabwenge Cell in Byumba Sector last week stabbed his colleague Jean Claude Muhoza aged 26, also a motorcycle mechanic to death.

Narrating the incidence the   employer to both the murderer and the murdered, who runs a motorcycle garage in Byumba town, Deo Minani said the two were living in the same house, when on the fateful night Ndolimana picked a knife used for pealing Irish potatoes and stabbed Muhoza on the neck.

"Muhoza was pronounced dead upon arrival at Byumba hospital”, said Minani.

In an interview with The New Times at Byumba Police station, Ndolimana admitted killing his colleague and close workmate, but said the incident was accidental.

"I was just playing with him when the knife accidentally caught his neck”, said Ndolimana.

Byumba police say Ndolimana’s murder crime contravenes Article 312 of Rwandan Penal code (CPL11) and is likely to face life imprisonment, upon conviction.

Gicumbi District Prosecutor Vincent Niyonzima said Ndolimana’s murder  is a capital offense, only tried by the High Court. "It is only the High Court  that has  the jurisdiction  to try Ndolimana’s case”, said Niyonzima. 
