AIBA to support Rwandan pugilist

THE world boxing body, AIBA has offered to facilitate Rwanda’s representative at next month’s AIBA World Boxing Championships in Milan, Italy.

Monday, July 13, 2009

THE world boxing body, AIBA has offered to facilitate Rwanda’s representative at next month’s AIBA World Boxing Championships in Milan, Italy.

The AIBA Vice President, Abdallah Bessalem, who also doubles as the President of the African Boxing Confederation has sent an e-mail to Rwanda Amateur Boxing Association (RABA) confirming the support.

"I have to remind you about the information sent by AIBA President CK Wu concerning the assistance to the African federation before the World Championships in Milan next August,” the e-mail read in part.

The championships are scheduled for August 29-September 13 and AIBA will offer a training camp for the yet to be named boxer from August 1 until the opening day of the event.

Air line ticket, accommodation during the training camp and accommodation during the world championship will also be provided by AIBA.

Jean Claude Gatorano, Pascal Sibomana and David Nsabimana have been short listed for the championship
Rwanda missed out on the last world boxing championship in Chicago due to lack of funding.

Italy will host the 2009 world boxing championships after beating Korea.The World Amateur Boxing Championship is the highest competition for boxing amateurs.
