World food and rural women’s day celebrated at Kaniga

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI—Celebrations to mark International World Food and Rural Women’s day were celebrated at Kaniga sector of Gicumbi district this Friday October 26.

Monday, October 29, 2007


GICUMBI—Celebrations to mark International World Food and Rural Women’s day were celebrated at Kaniga sector of Gicumbi district this Friday October 26.

The celebrations were marked by a joint-community work to dig terraces and plant trees bringing together the Ministers of Agriculture Anastase Murekezi, Gender and Gamily Promotion Velaria Nyirahabineza, Information Laurent Nkusi and Infrastructure Stanislas Kamanzi.

Guest of Honour Minister Murekezi thanked Kaniga rural women for their voluntary efforts to construct 200 hectares of terraces along the hilltops and called upon all youth to emulate this example.

Forty cattle were donated to the Kaniga women in the government’s program of One Cow-One Family programme. The Food and Agricultural Organization also donated 30 wheelbarrows, hoes and spraying pumps.

The delegation also visited the Mulindi tea factory. Governor Boniface Rucagu thanked all those who participated in the community work to mark the world food and rural women’s day.

"Northern Province is dedicated to agricultural development to increase food security countrywide,” said Rucagu.

Mayor of Gicumbi district Bonane Nyangezi awarded certificates of merit to the RDF 2nd division commander Brig. General Alex Kagame,  and acting regional police commander Dan Ndayambaje for their exemplary hard work to develop the Northern Province.

Others included representatives of FAO, UNDP, Action  Aid, UNHCR, WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and religious leaders representing different religions among others. 
