Water distribution largely based on geographical position

ELECTROGAZ’s assignment regarding water distribution is to supply clean drinking water to Kigali City and its urban centers.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

ELECTROGAZ’s assignment regarding water distribution is to supply clean drinking water to Kigali City and its urban centers.

Water distribution in Kigali city may not seem equal to all areas mostly because of the geographical position of some regions in the city.

Upper areas on mountains and areas that lay far away from main water sources as Kimisagara water treatment plant do not get water as regularly as lower areas favored by natural gravitation flow enabling easy access to water.

For this reason, for example Gatsata area is well supplied with water while Kacyiru, part of Gisozi, Kagarama and Nyanza are scarcely suplied by water.

With Kigali city rapidly expanding and its growth of population, ELECTROGAZ makes maximum efforts to meet the expanding water demand.

Kabeza, Kivugiza, Batsinda and Mount Kigali have already been connected with pipeline extensions to the network while Kicukiro-Kagarama, Gisozi, Rebero, Gikondo and Karuruma regions that are undergoing important water rationing programmes, will in the course of this year be connected to the network by construction of supplementary water pumping stations.

In addition, ELECTROGAZ is also pleased to announce that Kigali City’s current water production of 40,000 m3/day will be increasing to 70,000 m3/day in the next month with completion of Nyabarongo underground water extraction project.

In the meantime, ELECTROGAZ would like to take this opportunity to thank its esteemed customers for their patience and understanding during the current water shortage due to the dry season.

We inform them that there is water rationing program. For any questions related to water distribution, customers are invited to visit our branches or call us on 0788 30 68 96 or 0788 51 78 18.