Indeed G8, owe Africa nothing!

Editor, I could not agree more with Amon Mbekiza. Africans or should I say African leaders have come to see international aid as an entitlement. Aid has and will always be a favor.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


I could not agree more with Amon Mbekiza. Africans or should I say African leaders have come to see international aid as an entitlement. Aid has and will always be a favor.

It is a favor which has unfortunately condemned most African countries to poverty and conflicts as the strong and selfish few fight to control that very aid.

The solution dare I agree with Mbekiza, is for all the aid to stop. Let our leaders learn to work instead of begging. What difference has that aid made in Africa?

In almost all countries, it has been counterproductive. The exception here is Rwanda, where accountability and a dedication to making a difference in people lives have become the cornerstone of the new leadership.

It is only If and when aid stops, that African leaders/dictators or whatever you want to call them will open their eyes, get over their mediocrity and start working for the good of their people.

Not only will the people demand a better life but they will demand accountability because the only source of income will only be taxation. Will the people not require to see the fruits of their labor and taxes?

I think they will and I am sure the dictators everywhere on the continent will feel the heat. What good has this aid made on the continent other than build mansions in the West for our despots?

Have they not built a wonderful life on the back of our misery? Have they not carried on begging in our name without our saying so or mandate?

It is embarrassing when people like Bob Geldof and Bono make aid to Africa a slogan and a business with our leaders behind clapping.

The solution is for aid to stop altogether. That way, the suffering of our people will be our leaders’ business and not international community’s headache and shame.

Stop aid and let our leaders learn how to live within the means of their countries, let them learn to drive modest cars, eat modest food and live in less extravagant palaces.

Then, and only then, will they use their brain and work with the people to develop their countries and living conditions. That is the sour pill that Africa needs to swallow. Pity and guilt from the West has to stop.