TH HATER: I hate people who…

…delay to fulfil their obligations. I know a good number of you have told me to hate these people especially when a month is coming to an end and nothing seems to be heading towards your bank account or pockets yet you have bills to pay.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

…delay to fulfil their obligations. I know a good number of you have told me to hate these people especially when a month is coming to an end and nothing seems to be heading towards your bank account or pockets yet you have bills to pay.

I hate all those people who employ others but when it comes to time for payment, excuses of all designs are given.

We are waiting for the budget to be read, credit crunch, the MD is not around, Rwanda is now in the EA customs union etc. All these are only manifestations of your incompetence and fraudulent ways. Please pay up before I focus all my Hate on you.

…claim that everyone worth a name is their relative. You must have come across these egoistic fellows who think that it counts to be related to someone ‘big’.

They often quickly own up anyone they see in the papers or on TV. They easily say things like, "Yeah Miss Jojo is my cousin.”

And when you press them to prove it they give you shallow explanations like, you see my uncles’ neighbour had an in-law who was a paternal uncle to her mother! Well here is my warning, if you talk of me being your relative, I will come quickly and hit you on the head with fresh DNA results that prove I cannot be related to a person with weak mental capabilities like you.  

 …cannot accommodate healthy debates and divergent views. It is quite interesting to note that the Hater is actually a loving fellow! Yes I love to hate and that simply makes me a loving fellow.

I really love to hate all those humans who cannot accommodate the fact that a healthy debate need not be taken personally as an attack to their person.

This is indeed the clearest sign of intellectual bankruptcy. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and so do not expect everyone to agree with your weak line of arguments. Besides, no one is really interested in attacking a person of such low mental skills.

…cannot live up to the things they say about themselves. I don’t think this is just happening to me as The Hater, but I have realised something really annoying in the recent past.

For some reason, it is becoming harder to make a successful phone call or to sustain one. Whoever it is that is responsible for ensuring that when I load airtime on my phone I can actually make calls and when I do, they do not get cut before I am done.

 Please MTN style up. You are supposed to be providing a service not hoarding it and cutting it short at times. I thought you guys really meant it when you started telling us that Everywhere we go… there is MTN.

 I never knew that this included your network problems. If nothing is done, I will be compelled to get a post office box in protest.  

…for some reason cannot keep their hands to themselves. This world really has no short supply of annoying people.

Take the example of people who think that their hands must always be handling something. When they come over to your home or office they try touching and moving almost anything they can get their hands on.

By the time they leave, everything has been moved to a new place and you have to organise it again. The other reason I hate such people is that they tend to supplement this silly behaviour with petty theft.

Some of the things they lay their hands on are never seen again.   

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